Filling Out the File Area Text Class

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The <File_Area_Text> is a specific flavor of the more general <File_Area> class, designed for pointing to text files (like ReadMe files) associated with things like Bundles.

Note that the text file described by this class must have carriage-return/linefeed line delimiters.



This class is handled identically in all the File_Area_* classes. It is described in detail in the Filling Out the File Class page.



This class provides metadata for the file referenced in the associated File class. There must be exactly one instance of this class in a File_Area_Text.



The name of the file itself is contained in the file_name attribute, which is required. So in general this attribute should only be used to provide something like a human-readable title for the contents of the file.



Use this if you need to create an identifier for this text data so you can reference it from other places in the label.



This is the offset, in bytes, into the file at which the text begins. This value should pretty much always be zero - talk to your PDS consultant if you have a case where you believe this isn't true. In any event, you must specify "bytes" as the unit for this attribute, thus:

    <offset unit="byte">0</offset>



This is the length of the text, in bytes. If the offset is zero, this should be the length of the file. You must specify "bytes" as the unit for this attribute, thus:

    <file_size unit="byte">1234567890</file_size>



The value identifies the text standard used in the file. It must be one of these:

  • 7-Bit ASCII Text if the file contains only ASCII characters
  • PDS3 if the file contains a PDS3 label
  • UTF-8 Text if the file contains UTF-8 characters
Note: Although the value PDS3 is valid here, you should almost certainly not be referencing PDS3 labels to document your PDS4 Bundle.

7-bit ASCII is a strict subset of UTF-8. In either case, avoid non-printing characters other than the line delimiters and the blank characters, especially if your text file depends on a fixed-space font to display correctly.

Note: You should be careful to ensure that your file actually contains only ASCII or UTF-8 characters. This can be a little tricky, especially on certain operating systems still using their own proprietary code pages as defaults for their very popular office software. If you don't know for certain that your editor is operating in UTF-8 mode, please check your settings and read the documentation before submitting a file with potentially spurious characters in it. This is really annoying to chase down and correct after the fact.



This attribute provides a place for free-format text comments on the text file, if any.



This must have the value Carriage-Return Line-Feed. The corresponding text must also have carriage-return/linefeed delimited lines.