Filling Out the Array 2D Data Structure

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The <Array_2D> class is the generic base on which all the specific Array_2D_* classes are built. Use this class only when one of the more specific flavors cannot be reasonably applied.

For additional explanation, see the PDS4 Standard Reference, or contact your PDS node consultant.

Following are the attributes and subclasses you'll find in <Array_2D>, in label order.

Note that in the PDS4 master schema, all classes have capitalized names; attributes never do.


OPTIONAL This attribute can be used to give a descriptive name to the array.


OPTIONAL If you need to reference this array class from somewhere else in the label, use this attribute to define a local identifier to use as a hook. Follow the rules for naming a variable in a typical programming language and you should be OK.



This is the offset in bytes from the beginning of the file containing the array data to the beginning of the array. You must specify a unit of "bytes" for this attribute, thus:

    <offset unit="bytes">0</offset>


REQUIRED This attribute is required to be present and must have a value of "2".


REQUIRED This attribute is required to be present and must have a value of Last_Index_Fastest."Last" is with respect to the <sequence_number> values in the <Axis_Array&gt classes.


REQUIRED This attribute may have a value of either Binary or Character. The correct answer is almost certainly Binary. If you think you have a case of Character, contact your PDS consultant first.


OPTIONAL This is a place where additional description can be included, if desired.


REQUIRED This class defines the attributes of the array element.


REQUIRED The value here must be one from the list in the Standard Values Quick Reference.


OPTIONAL If there is a unit of measure associated with the array element values, use this attribute to specify it.

If the data are unitless, DO NOT INCLUDE THIS ATTRIBUTE!. The SBN will not accept data sets containing these or the equivalent:
    <unit/>    <unit>N/A</unit>


OPTIONAL If the data have been scaled (multiplied or divided by a constant), put the scaling factor in this attribute. When reading the data, <scaling_factor> is applied to the value before adding the <offset> value.


OPTIONAL If an offset has been applied to the data, put the offset value in this attribute. Offsets may be positive or negative. When reading the data, <scaling_factor> is applied to the value before adding the <offset> value.


REQUIRED This class describes one dimension of the two-dimensional array. There must be exactly to instances of this class in any Array_2D_* object.


REQUIRED This is the name of the array axis being described. The name is typically something like "Wavelength" or "Distance". The value should be useful for labelling the axis in a display.


REQUIRED This attribute must contain the number of elements along this axis of the array. For example, if the Array_2D in question have dimensions 112x256, then the <elements> value in the first <Axis_Array> would be "112".


OPTIONAL If there is a unit associated with this axis, here's the place to put it. Once again, the intention is to provide a string to use in labelling axes in a display.


REQUIRED This number defines an order for the axes so that the <axis_index_order> value can be interpreted correctly for this Array. One of the axes must have a sequence_number of "1", the other "2". It is not necessary that the first Axis_Array class in the label has <sequence_number> equal to 1, but it would tend to make like easier for reviewers and users.


OPTIONAL This placeholder class contains no attributes. Until it does, do not use it in SBN data sets. If you think you need it, contact your PDS consultant.


OPTIONAL Use this class to define any flag values that appear in the data to indicate drop outs, saturation, and other conditions that render a single pixel unknown. Every attribute in this class is optional. If you don't need any of the special constants, don't include this class in your Array_2D_*.


OPTIONAL This value indicates the data value was lost because of detector saturation.


OPTIONAL This value indicates the data value is known to be missing for some reason not covered by the other constants available in this class.


OPTIONAL This value indicates the data value originally reported was known to be in error for some reason, and was replaced by this flag.


OPTIONAL This value indicates the data value originally recorded or calculated was outside the valid range for array elements.


OPTIONAL This value indicates the data value in this file is unknown because it was unknown in the source and cannot be recovered.


OPTIONAL This value indicates that the concept underlying the datum is not applicable in a particular context.


OPTIONAL This class provides a place for statistical values calculated from the real data values of the pixels in the array. Every attribute in this class is optional. If you don't need any of the statistics, don't include this class in your Array_2D_*.




















