Filling Out the DD Rule Class

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The ability to define Schematron rules gives you another mechanism for validating labels through defined dependencies and contingencies over and above what the XSD Schema standard provides. For example, you can define a rule that requires that any label that contains ClassA also contains ClassB, or that all calibrated products contain a class with instrument calibration parameters.

Each <DD_Rule> class defines one Schematron <rule> definition. The Schematron <pattern> blocks are generated as needed by LDDTool.

You should have an understanding of how to write XPath specifications and Schematron statements before diving in here, or the terminology can be rather opaque. There is much more flexibility in Schematron itself than there is in these classes, and you should use them very carefully as this is an area of active Ingest_LDD/LDDTool development. Keep your rules very simple and very explicit, and you should be OK.

Note: There are additional subclasses defined in the PDS4 schema for this class, but these are left-over from early prototyping efforts and are ignored by the process that analyzes this class content and produces the Schematron rules in the output. They will be removed in later releases and thus are not documented here.



This value provides a handle for this rule within the dictionary. It must be unique within the Ingest_LDD file.



The value of this attribute is the Xpath path defining the context for the rule. Specifically, it provides the value of the context XML attribute of the Schematron <rule> element. It needs to be specific enough to identify the correct context for the test to be executed. So, for example, if you have multiple instances of the <pds:Internal_Reference> class including in your dictionary, you will need to provide different <pds:reference_type> values for each. So to distinguish those different contexts, you will have to include enough path information to identify each occurrence of <pds:Internal_Reference> uniquely.



This attribute is related to adding a Schematron variable definition capability (a <let> defined inside the <rule>. This capability is not yet available. Do not use this attribute.



This class defines the various bits and pieces that go into a single <assert> or<report> element. If the corresponding <rule> element does not already exist, it will be created.



This value indicates the type of test to be defined. There are only two defined values you should ever use:

Assert - Creates an <assert> element within the <rule>.
Report - Creates a <report> element within the <rule>

An assert statement does nothing if the associated <rule_test> is true. If the test is not true, the <rule_message> is displayed. A report statement does the opposite - it displays the <rule_message> text only if the <rule_test> is true.



This attribute contains the text that will go into the test XML attribute of the <assert> or <report> element being defined. Schematron does not recognize a default namespace, so make sure that all attributes and classes that appear in your test (or anywhere in your rule) have the appropriate namespace abbreviation prepended. This is where you'll need to use the <namespace_id> value defined at the top of the input file to reference your own classes and attributes. Use the "pds:" prefix for anything you might be referencing from the core namespace.

The test string must use XPath 2.0 syntax. It's beyond the scope of this wiki to cover XPath syntax, but you can find some of the most common examples illustrated in the sample files provided on the LDDTool Example Files page on this wiki.



This attribute provides the message that will be displayed when the associated assert or report is triggered.



Use this free-text field to provide a human-readable explanation of what is being tested and why, if it is not already clear from the rule_message text. This appears to be entirely internal documentation - the description is not transferred to the output Schematron file produced by LDDTool.



This attribute is deprecated. Do not use it.